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Not too shabby at Photoshop

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About Me

When I left school I wanted to be a cartoonist. I started studying graphic design on the YTS Scheme (ask your grandparents) but I was learning during the days of Spraymount and scalpels, stripping negs and rinsing plates with bromide (don't ask your grandparents).

It was a simpler era and I remember one of the rival design and print companies in my home town getting a computer.

No more sliced fingers, no more Spraymount gunge, no more smashed knees in darkrooms, and no more trying to turn the last "B" of your 14 point Times New Roman Letraset into a "P" because you forgot to stock up.

Only the company I worked for didn't bother getting a computer and, lo and behold, failing to move with the times, they went bust.

Unable to find a vacancy with the "other design and print company" and nothing within range of my little blue Peugeot, my designing career was cut terribly short.

I was a bit of a raver at the time and lucky enough to get into DJing (many of my clients now being promoters as you can see from my portfolio).

So, graphic design wasn't going to happen for me. I did really well on my part-time college course but we had been taught about form, shape, fonts, colours and funky braces, not PNGs and JPEGS or gamult colours.

I, and my skills, were as obsolete as last year's Farahs.


Fast forward a few decades and enjoying a relatively successful DJ career, I was exposed to technology, the wonders that Adobe had to offer.

And so, budget graphics card squeaking with the strain, I started making logos and manipulating pictures for my raver friends and DJ associates.

And People said I wasn't too bad.

So, I am no professional. I haven't worked for some huge design company or anyone particularly famous.

I mean, I'm not even formally qualified!

I'm just a bloke who isn't too shabby at drawing and Photoshop.

So, if you like my work, get in touch, we can do a deal and talk about what you need and I can chuck a few Jpegs down the Internet at you for a few quid.

(I also do a bit of video design too, take a gander at the gallery).

If you're rich, or a big company, I'll charge you a bit more than if you're just a geezer needing a logo for his brick-laying job on the side, or a poor old school raver putting on a club night in need of some flyers.

Either way, we can chat about it.

Thanks for reading,



Designs, Animation & Illustrations that you will really like

I can come up with something swish, select, sharp, sultry, simple, snappy... um... squishy... um... really super.

I work quickly and accurately and offer a free follow up service if the feeling of a brand new logo has worn off.

Like getting a new car and then wishing you'd picked the other colour.

It's ok, we can talk.

Price from £20

I do a lot of flyers and use a lot of photo manipulation to come up with some cool concepts.
Sometimes, less is more. But other times, more is less... or something like this.
Honestly, I do take your job really seriously, but there's some fun involved too when necessary.

Price from £30

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